I am filled with rage...

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I am a 23-year-old and recent college graduate. I have a Bachelors degree in Womans Studies--which means grad school!! I'll go into the counseling/therapy field in some capacity, whether it be high school guidance, marriage and family therapy, or sex therapy.

Friday, April 16

Mr. Jackson Strikes Again

Can I just begin with a little message to all you assholes off the world? You SUCK. Eat shit and die.

Ok, I feel a little better.

Do you remember Mr. Jackson from the Ups And Downs post, who paid for 2 stamps with a $20? Well, he came back today. He wanted change for a $5. When I looked in my petty cash box, I only have 6 or 7 $1's. So I told him "Sorry, I can't, I don't have enough $1's", partially because it was true, and partially because HE'S AN ASSHOLE. He responded with a smug shake of his head, "Well, don't you have any quarters?" I let out a deep sigh and said "Yeah, ok." I would've given him ALL quarters, but I'm pretty low on those, too. He smiles his hideous, smug, I-got-what-I-wanted smile, and walks away saying "Saves me a trip upstairs."
"Excuse me?"
"Saves me a trip upstairs to get change." (The main petty cash box is upstairs in the finance department.)
"Yeah, but now I have to go upstairs." (Keep in mind that I'm not allowed to wander the building at my leisure, I have to coordinate every trip upstairs with Cal, either asking him to run my errand for me, or dragging out my breaks a little, keeping him from his work.)
"Oh well!" He giggles to himself as he counts his $1's and walks off.

It took everything in me not to scream, and I'm still having trouble fighting it off now. I have no problem giving change if I am able to, but sometimes I can't, and everyone else is fine with going upstairs in that event. But when you look down your bulbous, troll-like nose at me, Mr. Jackson, and smile at my stress, believe me, I will get my vengeance. At the very least, I am NEVER giving him change again. Even if I have to lie and say, "I was told I wasn't allowed to just exchange large bills anymore." (And I essentially was told that, even if it was more like "Psh, don't do that. Send them upstairs! They know better.")

I can't wait to go to my car so I can call SOMEONE and scream about this. What a goddamn prick.