I am filled with rage...

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I am a 23-year-old and recent college graduate. I have a Bachelors degree in Womans Studies--which means grad school!! I'll go into the counseling/therapy field in some capacity, whether it be high school guidance, marriage and family therapy, or sex therapy.

Thursday, January 20

FYI: You suck at parking.

This black Volvo is always parking like a huge asshole, and more often than not, she parks in the Compact spots all stupid like this, which makes it impossible to either get out of the car or park your car there at all to begin with.

So I gave her a little taste of her own medicine. And I still caught the elevator. Karma, betches!!

Tuesday, January 18

An Interesting Correlation

I like that the sink suddenly stays full when all the attorneys are back in the office

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Friday, January 7


What more could a straight(ish) ally ask for? Nothing, I think. Not a damn thing. :)