I am filled with rage...

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I am a 23-year-old and recent college graduate. I have a Bachelors degree in Womans Studies--which means grad school!! I'll go into the counseling/therapy field in some capacity, whether it be high school guidance, marriage and family therapy, or sex therapy.

Thursday, May 6

Happy "Are you effing kidding me?" Thursday!

The high occurrence of caller/walk-in idiocy today is going to make me insane. An interviewee who drove here from Orange County got here an HOUR early for her appointment. And instead of hitting up a coffee shop or perhaps a park to kill some time, she came in and waited here for a half an hour doing NOTHING. Nothing but staring into space and shuffling papers in her fancy folder. Thank god our HR Director was able to come get her early.

Then I had a DHL guy get all snippy with me about picking something up when I told him he had to go to Shipping & Receiving. Listen, Buddy, all you have to do is drive around to the BACK of the building. Don't you see the frickin signs that say "Shipping & Receiving >>>" at every driveway? These people, I swear.

And I just had a guy call for the HR Director all concerned that her phone was going straight to voice mail. "Is she IN????" he asked desperately. Dude, she is in a meeting, so she has her phone on Do Not Disturb. Why do people always assume that voicemail automatically means "out"?

Remind me not to take sick days in the middle of the week. Coming back with 2 whole days left SUCKS.