I am filled with rage...

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I am a 23-year-old and recent college graduate. I have a Bachelors degree in Womans Studies--which means grad school!! I'll go into the counseling/therapy field in some capacity, whether it be high school guidance, marriage and family therapy, or sex therapy.

Monday, March 29

Oh yeah, duh. Somebody owes somebody an apology.

I keep meaning to apologize for the huge gap in posts. At my old job, where none of the internet was blocked, I could write effusively in the midst of a Rage Blackout with little to no imposition. At this new place, Blogger was blocked, sadly, so I was having to skirt my way around the internet limitations by writing my posts in Google Docs, and then adding them to Blogger later. But for one, it's just not the same. For two, by the time I got home to sit my fat butt on the couch and watch my recordings of Mercy, Chelsea Lately, and the Biggest Loser, the last thing I wanted to do was stare at the computer for even 15 minutes to move the Google Doc into Blogger.

But, something momentous happened. I was checking my email randomly a few weeks ago, and the images on an email from Twitter were actually showing up. (Twitter was one of the blocked sites, obvi.) So I clicked the link, and was taken straight to the login page of Twitter. My next stop, obviously, was Facebook, and HUZZAH! It worked!! Well, partially. Something still blocks FB chat and Sorority Life (a travesty, I know!) from functioning, and I can't upload photos or crop out new profile pics, but most everything else is fair game.

I checked Blogger as well, via my FAVE blog and partial Rage inspiration, Working Girl, but I was so used to no longer having a Rage Blackout outlet at work, that I kept forgetting I could blog again. But never fear, peeps, I'm back!! And I'm armed with lots of new stories and more friends.

As I mentioned in my first comeback entry, I have a new fellow Receptionist who I exchange emails with regularly. She's my bestie and just moved back to California after a long hiatus in the icky-horrid-job-market of relatively-rural Colorado. She'll be known as "Pearl", and I'll probably refer to her on a regular basis. Who knows, maybe she'll want to write a guest post or two.

The other major roadblock to my continued blogging is that I am no longer single! Wee!! After nearly of year of ridiculously casual dating and more than a few "misses", I finally hit a bulls-eye with "Peter". He's sweet and cuddly and just as over-eager and clingy as I am, and we share a strange random affinity for fleur-de-lis, astrology, and tattoos. I guess the last one isn't really strange or random, considering our generation's general inclination to be inked...Did I mention he loves taking me to lunch when he gets off work early or has a long lunch break? What a sweetie!

Anywho, Pearl and Peter will be probably be frequently mentioned from now on, since they are usually the first receptors of my rages, before I bring them to you. Especially Pearl. She and I tend to keep our insanity in check.

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