I am filled with rage...

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I am a 23-year-old and recent college graduate. I have a Bachelors degree in Womans Studies--which means grad school!! I'll go into the counseling/therapy field in some capacity, whether it be high school guidance, marriage and family therapy, or sex therapy.

Wednesday, October 14

More Gold Stars...Less Hot Guys

So yesterday, I knocked the socks off the head of the accounting department. Literally rendered her speechless. Not only did I have a witness, but this woman that runs accounting is probably one of my most intimidating superiors. She's really buddy-buddy with "Gwen"/Hot Accounting Guy and she's pretty serious most of the time.

So when she calls to ask me about how the mail is being sorted, I barely believed it when I spit out something to the effect of, "Well, it looks like stuff down here was pretty unorganized before. Could you send me an email with the list of all the mail items that always go to you? This is really our chance to reorganize and make sure things are done correctly from here on out."*
*But imagine it sounding like the most beautiful sentence you've ever heard, it was insane.

My coworker "Cal"* stared at me, mouth gaping. I'm pretty sure my eyes were bugging out, I was shocked, too. It took the head of accounting a few seconds to regain her train of thought, and respond, "Yeah, uh, ok. That- that sounds great. I'll send that right over."
*An old high school classmate--yes, I got him the job, because I rock ;)--so named because he just graduated from Berkeley

I thanked her and hung up the phone. I stared at "Cal" with my mouth open, and he mirrored my expression. "Uh, sorry but...GOLD STAR FOR ME!!" He answered, "Yeah! I wasn't gonna say anything, but yeah!"

Basically, we rock.

In other, less exciting news, I also learned a few days ago that Hot Tech Support Guy has a girlfriend. SAD. DAY. In even sadder news, it's not even like I could make it into some kind of fun challenge, because in the same breath that he told me about his girlfriend, he told me she had done a double major in Woman's Studies and [something that I don't remember because he definitely stunned me with the line about the girlfriend] and was now getting her Master's. Basically she's me, but not, particularly in the man department. So he is hereby removed from The List and re-nicknamed "Cool Tech Support Buddy". Now I have more time to spend on "Gwenny" ;V

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